Home punta Harlem Youths Solo Cabeza (Official Music Video) Harlem Youths Solo Cabeza (Official Music Video) 675 Harlem Youths Solo Cabeza (Official Music Video)
dah fuking gyal need help wit she dancing aiiiiiii… damn this funny but nice video my baby look tun up…love neshain… Reply
lovinggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg it Reply
video was cool but yall should have had a female in the back dancing and not a dude… dats why we dont fuck with yall north side niggas.. backa town fi life nigga Reply
so u tink u mi a cuh do betta den stop hate dat no gud ie nuh…wat goes around cums around..so jst shet up n keep yuh stupid comment to yuh self!!! Reply
dis is a bad tune I knw belizean to mak gud music we noh need jamica singers we have done best right here Reply
video tunn up…………..i watch it over and over just to see the boy in the skinny jeans….lol nigga can dance Reply
0:25…. the listen to this song and it freeze just like them career in singing #2018 still ligit Reply
d tng tun up main.. love dis video..
tun up
dah fuking gyal need help wit she dancing aiiiiiii… damn this funny but nice video my baby look tun up…love neshain…
she want it…. cant get all a it…….. so mi give she solo cabeza
weh part all d ladies deh…..?
i love this song ya and d boys are very talented
Griga have talent mein..love it!!
solo head solo
lovinggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg it
Griga ina di house!
video was cool but yall should have had a female in the back dancing and not a dude… dats why we dont fuck with yall north side niggas.. backa town fi life nigga
deh lee gial deh noh gat no klnda shape and deh di dance outa rthyme
so u tink u mi a cuh do betta den
stop hate dat no gud ie nuh…wat goes around cums around..so jst shet up n keep yuh stupid comment to yuh self!!!
nice i like it
Good start but the song is too repetitive. Overall not bad
dis is a bad tune I knw belizean to mak gud music we noh need jamica singers we have done best right here
D bowy bad
i love dis song he cn dance better dan de gial
Love the guy in the red pants
HARLEM mi seh!! Video Madd!!
harlem youths tun up the spot
They look too young to be giving head…
video tunn up…………..i watch it over and over just to see the boy in the skinny jeans….lol nigga can dance
0:25…. the listen to this song and it freeze just like them career in singing
#2018 still ligit
Griga mi say..